Amenities - Selkirk

Our Selkirk home has 77 rooms, 63 are private and 14 are semi-private. Most of the rooms have shared bathrooms. All bedrooms and bathrooms are equipped with call bell systems. There are common bathrooms available for bathing/showering on each wing with assistance.
There is space available for family gatherings of up to 12 guests in our library.
Residents and families have access to our picturesque courtyard, that boasts a variety of flowers, birdfeeders, and vegetable gardens. Our gazebo offers a enjoyable shaded area for the Residents to relax.

Nursing Assistance:
Nursing and support services are provided 24 hours a day. A licensed nurse dispenses all medications and can assist with any required treatments.
Medical Services:
Physicians are available to care for the medical needs of all the residents. Medical services are available 24 hours a day. Our Medical Director oversees these services.
Occupational/Physical Therapist:
Therapists are available for consult and treatment when necessary. The Occupational Therapist visits on a regular basis for assessment and care planning. Betel Home has a Rehabilitation Aide that works together with the Occupational Therapist and can be consulted regarding equipment needs and purchases.
The focus is to enhance the quality of the Resident’s life by increasing and restoring functions or capabilities that have diminished. The direct care providers deliver basic programs such as walking and range of motion once the resident has been assessed. Therapy services such as chiropractic's, massage, etc. are also available in the community.
Dental Services:
Arrangements to have dentures made, relined or adjusted may be made by contacting the denturist of your choice. The cost of these services is the responsibility of the resident and/or responsible party. Arrangements may be made for a visit to a dentist through the Charge Nurse when necessary. We recommend an annual examination by a dentist for all residents.
A Dietitian visits regularly and assesses each Resident within eight weeks of admission and annually thereafter. If there is a concern, the Dietitian can be consulted.
Dietary Services:
Our food services are provided by Marquise Hospitality, a division of Compass Group Canada. We are proud to offer home cooked and nutritious meals.
All meals are served in one of our two dining rooms; refreshments of a beverage and light snack are also scheduled during the day and early evening. Please check with the nursing staff as to whether or not foods may be brought in for the Resident as they may be on a restricted diet.
Social Work Services:
The Social Worker maintains the personal care home's waiting list and maintains contact with application and their families. She coordinates our admissions and supports the new resident and family through the transition process., helping them adjust to their new environment. The Social Worker will also facilitate all initial and annual care conferences.
Pastoral Care Services:
Interdenominational, Anglican, Lutheran, United, Roman Catholic, and Ukrainian Catholic services are offered on a monthly basis. A Hymn Sing Program is offered weekly. Everyone is welcome to attend any Pastoral program of their choice.
Laundry Services:
Our Laundry staff does personal laundry in house.
Housekeeping Services:
Our Housekeeping staff ensure our residents enjoy a clean environment.
Hair Care Services:
A Hairdresser comes to our Home and provides a variety of services for our Residents on a scheduled basis.
Foot Care Nurse:
A Foot Care Nurse comes to our Home regularly to provide specialized foot care needs.